Thursday, April 24, 2008

bestfriend TERS... day

ahh yesss i waited sooo long for TERS... day to come =D. its like i havent seen my bestfriend in like a week or something GEEZ!

So today, my fat bestfriend my homie and i hung out today xD it was great we did the random stuffs! hahah we always have something planned like a week before then come TERS... day (thursday) we forget about it and just go get some fries and go to target or something. well actually thats all we ever do but it never ever gets old! i guess thats why were bestfriends haha.. so today bestfriend and i realized something, when we sit on the floor we sit the same way.. lol i dunno random but weird and cool kuz were cool. hekk duh!

A few weeks ago we decided to buy those dollar "grow" your own garden thing at target. so yeah we bought one for each other and we took it home and planted it in the little pot it came with. mines finally sprouted.. yayy i cant wait to show it

i hate the spring =( whatevers floating around in the air is making me all broked. yeah, i said "broked." anyways, freakin spring is killing me! Allergies suck seriously =(

well nutrition class tomorrow at 9am. nutrition is pretty interesting tho =) goodnight everyone<3